Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Ed Lambert Begins

time to begin.

The always obtuse Ed Lambert broadcasts locally three hours a day on his own little wing-nut radio show on WXTK, Cape Cod. Like most of his ilk, he tries very hard to screen his callers down to like-minded simpletons (a cast of what seems to be approximately a dozen), and should some caller somehow slip through and become contradictory, he has the usual bag of tricks, among them belittling the caller, shouting them down, muting them, or just plain hanging up on them.

One of Ed’s favorite things to do is to simply make things up. He’ll claim to have read a report “somewhere” without attribution, or allude to “study after study” without actually citing any, or just fabricate quotes out of thin air and attribute them to people he doesn't like.

Thursday Ed claimed he was going to “take on” House Representative William Delahunt. What it means in Ed-Speak to “take on” someone is to hope that they’re far away, never going to hear him, and will never respond. That way, Ed can beat his breast and say something like “yesterday, I took on Fidel Castro”…you get the idea of the delusions of bravery that this guy has about himself.

This day, Ed was after Rep. Bill Delahunt while the congressman was far away in Venezuela, and the object of Ed’s ire was Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who, according to Ed “Kills people at the drop of a hat”; Hates the American people and calls them Devils”; “Wants Americans to die”. Naturally, Ed can’t back any of these statements up. In a previous radio show, just after Chavez's speech to the U.N., Ed quoted President Chavez as having said "I want President Bush dead".

It'd be nice to give Ed the benefit of the doubt and think that maybe his Spanish translating skills are especially atrocious, but given his history, that’s clearly not the case. Some day we can expect to hear him shrieking about Venezuela’s Weapons of Mass Destruction.

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