Monday, December 4, 2006

Party Time

According to, and apparently exclusively to the Boston Herald, Governor-elect Deval Patrick is planning a week long "coronation" party before his inauguration, which reportedly could cost up to $1.6 million. Ed Lambert quotes Patrick as saying "Spare no expense, across the state we will have elaborate week long coronation plans for me, so I can get out to my sup...all the people out there, but it will be privately funded, a blowout". A completely fabricated quote, nowhere to be found. Ed calls him "Deval 'I Want to be President' Patrick"...not a terribly catchy nickname, Ed's still working on that.

Ed is such a liar. The Herald article notes the Governor Romney's inaugural festivities cost $750 k, Ed says "Romney's cost, uh...a quarter of a million dollars". Ed rants it's all a quid pro quo, everyone donating is going to be getting special favors. He doesn't mention that Patrick had the least corporate donations, and spent less on his campaign than any of the other Gubernatorial candidates.

More lies from Ed: "38% of the Democrats think Hillary Rodham Clinton should be President for FOUR terms, not two."

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