Wednesday, December 6, 2006

What's in a Name?

Ed is still struggling to come up with nickname for Governor-elect Deval Patrick. During the election, Ed would chuckle to himself as he called him "Devoid". Ed must have been real popular on the playground as a kid. Lately he's been calling Deval Patrick "Molasses", I suppose because if he kept referring to the Governor-elect as "Brown Sugar" it might make Ed sound racist. I don't know why Ed should feel so inhibited, it's generally acknowledged that he is.

Today he's trying out "Free 'em All Deval", in an attempt to raise the racist Willie Hortonesque specter of the new Governor freeing convicted criminals. The election is long over, but Ed can't stop fearing and smearing.

According to Ed, Hillary Clinton "had three extra-marital affairs", "...she is a socialist, she is a control freak, and she is a giant B-I-T-...", a caller chides Ed for his misogyny, Ed will have none of it, he shouts "That's what she is, Hillary is a giant B". The next caller twice refers to Senator Clinton as a "femminazi", and says Al Gore is fat. Oh, and he signs off with "Merry Christmas", you know, because these are such good Christian type people.

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